Where is the Air Cleaner Located in a House?

The air cleaner is an important part of any home's HVAC system, as it helps to trap allergens and other irritants, so they don't circulate around the house. It is important to know where the air cleaner is located in order to ensure that it is properly maintained and changed regularly. In a vertical upflow system, the air cleaner is typically located at the bottom of the system. In a vertical downflow system, it is usually located at the top.

For horizontal HVAC systems, which are often found in attics, garages, or large basements, the air cleaner is usually placed vertically in a slot on the side of the unit. It may also be close to your home thermostat or in a return duct. In some systems, filters are located in the return air duct. This is the one that draws air from your space and returns it to the air conditioner's air handling system.

If you have a large system with multiple air handlers and return ducts, finding the filters can be a challenge. It's important to have a good air filter installed to trap allergens and other irritants, so they don't circulate around the house. George Brazil Air Conditioning and Heating provides the Phoenix area with professional, long-standing, high-quality customer service to create comfortable, healthy, safe and energy-efficient places to live and work. The large box filter shown (the company called it a Merv 1 filter) is located above the return air chamber that sits on a concrete floor.

All central heating and cooling systems must have an air filter, but it may be more difficult to locate in some HVAC units than in others. The filter is installed so that the arrow (and airflow) shows air moving through the filter TO the duct system (on a central air return grill) or TO THE air handler (for filters installed in the blower unit). If you want to improve the air quality in your space by eliminating pollen, mold, and other harmful contaminants, you should invest in HEPA filters with a MERV rating of 10 or higher. When you take out the old filter and see an excessive amount of dust and dirt around the ducts or the space behind the filter, it's a clear sign that your return ducts are clogged.

For many of these systems, a filter or set of air filters is located inside the cabinet that contains the fan itself. Change the air filters in your HVAC system every month when your air conditioning system is operating. This will help ensure that your home remains free from allergens and other irritants. A collapsed filter inserted into a blower fan can cause fan overheating and even fire in a building. We will replace the air filter in your air conditioner, clean your ducts, troubleshoot any other air conditioning problems you may have, and answer all your questions.